

The Great Oak Square Homeowners' Association is a non-profit corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The purpose of our association is to provide for the maintenance, preservation and architectural control of residence lots and common areas within our property boundaries. 

Our property boundaries consist of common areas and resident properties, and the Board is responsible for doing any and all lawful things to benefit the property, owners and inhabitants of our residences. Further information about our association can be found in the Articles of Incorporation.

Board of Directors

We need you! We are currently looking for owner residents to volunteer to serve this community. Board members commit to a term of three years of service and are appointed during the annual meeting in November.

We are specifically seeking new members with financial skills, communication skills and general skills like talking to prospective vendors about a  pre-determined scope of work. The time commitment of each member varies. While all members meet once a month for 1-2 hours, additional time is sometimes needed on a weekly basis to follow-through on association business. An estimate of the weekly time commitment is about 2 hours, sometimes more, often less. If you are interested in learning more about serving your community please contact us.


"In Great Oak Square, the roots go way back."

- washington post